Members' Blog - Vendor Tips & Tricks

A RANDOM THOUGHT FROM A RECKLESS REDHEAD By Jenny Reed, ACF Board of Directors - Publicity Admin As summer begins to wind down for some and continues at full steam...
A RANDOM THOUGHT FROM A RECKLESS REDHEAD By Jenny Reed, ACF Board of Directors - Publicity Admin As summer begins to wind down for some and continues at full steam...

Technology for Beginners - Websites
Post by Kimberly Johnson This is one post that will get a different opinion from each and every single person in ACF! Just remember, we all have different goals, needs and available...
Technology for Beginners - Websites
Post by Kimberly Johnson This is one post that will get a different opinion from each and every single person in ACF! Just remember, we all have different goals, needs and available...

Technology for Beginners - Square Credit Card P...
Post by Kimberly Johnson This is a post to try and help those with the Square Credit Card Processor. There are many choices of processors to pick from and this does...
Technology for Beginners - Square Credit Card P...
Post by Kimberly Johnson This is a post to try and help those with the Square Credit Card Processor. There are many choices of processors to pick from and this does...

How to Track Your Shows - Which Shows Are Worth...
Post by Kimberly Johnson We all know how important tracking is for shows as we do them…I’ve seen several people have notebooks but here’s what I came up with for me....
How to Track Your Shows - Which Shows Are Worth...
Post by Kimberly Johnson We all know how important tracking is for shows as we do them…I’ve seen several people have notebooks but here’s what I came up with for me....

Tips to start the year off right....
Post by Lois Wisher Hey Crafters/Artists….How was your winter? Of course, it hasn’t really ended yet. But, I don’t know about you but I’ve stayed in my Jammie’s and crafted...
Tips to start the year off right....
Post by Lois Wisher Hey Crafters/Artists….How was your winter? Of course, it hasn’t really ended yet. But, I don’t know about you but I’ve stayed in my Jammie’s and crafted...

What Do We Do When the Shows Are Over?
Post by Lois Wisher So, your shows, craft shows, bazaars are over for the year. You need to sell what you have, right? What to do…. There are many, many places on...
What Do We Do When the Shows Are Over?
Post by Lois Wisher So, your shows, craft shows, bazaars are over for the year. You need to sell what you have, right? What to do…. There are many, many places on...