How to Track Your Shows - Which Shows Are Worth It?
Post by Kimberly Johnson
We all know how important tracking is for shows as we do them…I’ve seen several people have notebooks but here’s what I came up with for me. I track not only the shows I do each year but also the show fees as well as any notes on what went wrong or right at each show. There’s nothing worse than doing a show and not being able to remember if it was worth it or what you needed to do differently in the future. I’m a huge fan of spreadsheets, I’m in this one all the time but I also have one for my products (breaks down the costs of each item, labor and the best part is I have an items cost pulled from a single place so I can do a mass update when my costs change!) But for today lets talk about this super simplistic way I track shows!
**Note: This table is filled with sample amounts…not my actual sales**

Shows+ Tab:
This tab shows me each show I have done in the past, I go all the way back to my beginnings with my own so in case I did a show a few years ago and can’t remember how it did I can see those numbers fast. I can see the costs as well as the sales year over year. The other thing I use this for is to track where I am at with each show for the current year. So I fill in the fee if I’m planning on doing the show, blue if the fee is paid and yellow if I have applied and waiting to hear back.

Charts Tab:
This one is really great to see the growth in both sales and show fees in a very visual format to see just how well you’re really doing…it’s great for showing your trends. If you want this could also be done to show each show over the years rather than just annual totals.

Show Notes Tab:
OK, this may be the most important tab when deciding whether or not do do a show. This is great for any thoughts you have about a show, the good, the bad and the ugly! This is where I put things I need to remember or fix for the next
year, why I am not doing a show again or what I need to bring to make it better.
Here’s the attachment for anyone who would like to see it closer up or customize it for your own use.
This was such great information! Thank you for sharing these tips!
What a good idea! Thanks!
Very good information😊
Wow thanks.