Collection: Ruth Naldrett - Shelly's Jellys

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Instagram - @montana_shellys_jellys_llc
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Phone - (406) 756-8924

Shelly's Jellys was created by Al and Shelly Withall and when they wanted to retire, my husband and I took it over in November of 2016. At the time he was building and selling raised garden boxes at the Farmers Market and I was still working for the school district. One Saturday he called me and said, "Do you want to buy a business?" I just laughed and said, "Noooooo!" But within a few months we had done just that. Together we took it over; Dan became the cook, I did the bookkeeping and together we participated in three local Farmers markets and major events. We kept everything exactly the way it had been created. One year later my Dan got seriously ill and in January of 2018 the angels came for him.

Shelly’s Jellys is truly a “mom and pop” business. We have no employees and use no 50 – 100 gallon steam pots or mechanized production lines. We make our jelly and jam the old fashioned way – one small batch at a time. With more fruit or berries, less sugar and no high fructose corn syrup we make a variety of delicately sweetened gourmet jams and jellies. Some of our flavors dance in your mouth with jalapeños. Others quietly wake up your taste buds with their fruity sweetness.