Collection: Jamie Howard - MT Rustic Designs

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Instagram - @mtrusticdesigns
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Phone - 406-270-2999

Hello! My name is Jamie Howard and I am the owner of MT Rustic Designs and personally create every art piece available in my shop. I was born and raised in the Flathead Valley of Northwestern Montana. As many Montana girls do, I grew up playing in the dirt, shooting guns, and fly fishing in mountain lakes and creeks. I love rodeos, hiking, and cruising the back roads. Making art and enjoying all that the great Montana outdoors has to offer are my greatest passions in life.

I graduated from the University of Montana with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art and Art Education. I have always loved painting, drawing, and sculpture. When I turned 40 a few years ago, I decided to finally try my hand at selling some of my creations. The past few years have been an amazing journey and I have met so many wonderful people who have supported me by purchasing my work. I believe that I have found my calling!