Collection: Mary Frances Erler - author & artist

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Phone - 406-212-1447

I, Mary Frances, write fiction books as one of my creative outlets. I have published 10 books so far. The first 7 are in a fantasy series for teens and adults called "Peaks at the Edge of the World". The eighth one, "Voices in the Past", is a historical fiction/time travel novel that I based on stories I heard about my ancestors. My ninth and tenth books have both been released this year (2023). These are more adult and drawn from many of my life experiences, and therefore are called autobiographical fiction.

Some of my book covers are based on photographs my husband, Paul Erler, has taken. I also am exploring acrylic painting. My father was a painter and I dabbled often in painting with oils like he did. Now I have taken 4 classes at FVCC in acrylics and have found my medium. I like exploring different effects with my paintings. My goal is to use this as a relaxing hobby, but if others are interested, I would be willing to sell some.

My husband does crafts with wood in very imaginative ways. He has made wall hangers from old piano keys and various sizes of wooden trees from balsa wood and other woods. He also makes the wood frames for many of my paintings.
Our daughter, Emilie Erler, also does paper crafts and makes jewelry. We have a very creative family.

You can find us at the following places:
- Book Signing at The Bookshelf in Kalispell, MT - April 20, 2024 - 1 pm to 3:00 pm
- Book Signing at Barnes & Noble in Kalispell, MT - June 15, 2024 - 12 pm to 3:00 pm