Collection: Melody Debroisse - Cream Line Soap

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Welcome to Cream Line Soap located in Elmo, in the Flathead Valley of Montana. My name is Melody and I am the owner and artist behind the scenes.

Our family herd of goats provide the same nourishing high quality milk for our family as it does for our soap so as I started making cold process soap and other body products from scratch, I wanted to incorporate the goats milk that we and our girls work so hard to provide.
I wanted a better alternative to what was locally available and as a mother of 4 littles it's hard to spend time standing in a store trying to make sure a product lives up to my standards, so I set out to create it myself.

I wanted to provide an opportunity for us to live healthier lives without overspending for it. I wanted earth sourced, minimally processed, limited packaging products that made me feel pampered at a fraction of the cost and I desire to share that with you.

You can find our products on our website with free shipping over $35. Our products are also available at
•Wheat Montana, Kalispell
•Lazy R & R Ranch Supply, Kalispell
•Planet Earth, Great Falls
•Marigold Market, Lewistown
•Legacy Trading, Three Forks
•The Wild Child Collective, Helena
•The Best of 406 Marketplace at the Gallatin Mall, Bozeman
And more!!