Collection: Darrell Kollenborn - BadRockArtwork

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I am an artist from Kalispell, Mont. who has been drawing for myself for years. When my daughter and her husband bought a fixer-upper in a ghost town in Colorado in 2020, my wife and I came to help for a few days. During our visit, my daughter encouraged me to draw the town's old buildings. After a few days of pulling out pack rat nests and knocking down bad additions, I took a walk around town for a break and the was inspired to do pen and ink renderings of many of the old buildings and of the historic roundhouse and locomotive housed there. I decided to sell my drawings after encouragement from family members.

Now, I sketch and paint scenes of home in Montana and occasionally rework sketches of that little ghost town in Colorado that brought art back into my life. If I can draw something that someone likes enough to take home, I'm happy.