What’s Happening?
ACF has a new number 406-201-9383 you can text, call and leave a voicemail here.
Spring Cleaning Market March 16
We can still accept late sign ups for this event! Or come and shop for display items, craft supplies and more.
- sign up here if you're interetsted in selling, donating or volunteering -
Need a name tag?
Name tags can be ordered on the Website!
- Order name tags here -
Deadline for Christmas Show Poster design contest is March 15
- Submit your designs here -
Swing into Spring ONLINE Market
The online market will be available on ACF’s Website for the month of April. There will be a $20 fee to participate. You may have up to 10 items for sale. Participants will need to have a profile set up on the ACF website. If interested, please sign up online ASAP before March 25.
- Sign up to participate in this event here -
Upcoming events & meetings:
- 3/16 Spring Cleaning Market 9am to 3pm @ Expo building.
- 3/18 Mini-Meeting via Zoom at 6pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 813 6524 0800 - Passcode: 001908
- 4/17 General Meeting 7pm @ Fairgrounds
- Wingo @ MontaVino - 6pm -8pm - 38 1st Ave E. Suite D
- March 6
- March 20
- April 3
History and Facts About 4 Leaf Clovers
Gathered by Jenny Reed
I Hope everyone enjoys their St. Patrick’s Day. In honor of the season and my personal favorite holiday I thought it would be fun and interesting to look into the History of the Four Leaf Clover:
“Hundreds of years ago in Ireland, the four-leaf clover became a symbol of luck with the four leaves representing faith, hope, love, and success. The Druids (Celtic priests), in the early days of Ireland, believed that when they carried a three-leaf clover or shamrock, they could see evil spirits coming and have a chance to escape in time. Four-leaf clovers were Celtic charms, presumed to offer magical protection and ward off bad luck. Children in the Middle Ages believed if they carried a four-leaf clover, they would be able to see fairies, and the first literary reference to suggest their good fortune was made in 1620 by Sir John Melton.
Fast Facts About Four-Leaf Clovers from Better Homes and Gardens
- There are approximately 10,000 three-leaf clovers for every “lucky” four-leaf clover.
- There are no clover plants that naturally produce four leaves, which is why four-leaf clovers are so rare.
- The leaves of four-leaf clovers are said to stand for faith, hope, love, and luck.
- It’s often said that Ireland is home to more four-leaf clovers than any other place, giving meaning to the phrase “the luck of the Irish.”
- If you’re lucky enough to find a four-leaf clover, look for more! If a clover plant produces a four-leaf clover, it’s more likely to produce another four-leaf lucky charm than plants that only produce three-leaf clovers.
- The fourth leaf can be smaller or a different shade of green than the other three leaves Shamrocks and four-leaf clovers are not the same thing; the word ‘shamrock’ refers only to a clover with three leaves.”
The excerpt above is from
'If a man walking in the fields find any four-leaved grass, he shall in a small while after find some good thing.' - Sir John Melton, 1620