January 2022 Newsletter
Renew Membership for 2022
2022 Membership Forms are now available. Don’t forget, you will need to renew your membership before the end of February to remain on the membership list and continue receiving newsletters, information updates, text alerts and other communications. If you forget to renew your membership by the end of February, you will be taken off the communication list and may miss out on key information. In order to be eligible for the members’ booth rate for Summer Show, you will want to make sure to renew by April 1, 2022. If you have any questions or concerns regarding membership renewal, please don’t hesitate to contact us—artistsoftheflathead@gmail.com
You can fill out and mail in the application form with payment by check, or you can use the online option. Please remember that we do not process application forms until all parts are received—form & fee.
We would also be happy to mail you a paper copy of the form. Send an email to artistsoftheflathead@gmail.com to request a paper copy. Extra paper copies will also be available for pickup at the next General Meeting. We now also have a card reader and can collect payment by card, check or cash at any/all general meetings.
Big Change Proposed for 2022 Summer Show
The ACF Board and Show Committee respectfully request your all ACF Members’ consideration and votes on a big change for 2022 Summer Show—we want to partner with the Flathead Food Truck Festival to host a joint event this year. Dates would be June 24-26, 2022, at the Flathead County Fairgrounds.
ACF’s event would still take place in the Trade Center Building, with free admission to shoppers. The only difference would be that the Food Truck Festival would be held right next to the Trade Center Building, outside. We would share a parking lot with their event, possibly consider different open hours to coincide with Food Truck Festival’s proposed hours, join up on advertising efforts and more. Exact details would be worked out as we proceed with plans.
For now, we need all ACF Members to participate in a vote to decide if we should proceed with making this plan or not.
Please be prepared to discuss this question at the January General Meeting. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Revisions to Bylaws and General Rules Proposed
ACF has not made any changes to its Bylaws and General Rules since 2017, with the exception of some temporary rules which were implemented through 2020 and 2021 because of the worldwide pandemic. In order to update ACF’s paperwork, the Board has re-reviewed ACF’s Handbook, Bylaws, General Rules and Show Rules. We would like you all to review the proposed revisions, submit any questions or comments you may have, participate in a discussion on these proposed changes at the January General Meeting and vote to approve (or not approve) the proposed revisions. Proposed revisions are provided with this newsletter in a separate document. We are also open to review of any additional revisions suggestions you may have.
Some of the proposed revisions are merely grammar and sentence structure changes that do not change to overall intentions and meaning of the rules as written. However, a few of the proposed revisions would significantly change the scope and meaning of some operating rules.
Please review the proposed changes carefully.
Update Profile on ACF Webpage
Don’t forget to add or update your profile on the ACF Webpage. Profiles are FREE to all ACF members who want one. And this is a great time of year to work on updating before the Spring and Summer events get underway.
Having a profile is a great way to dip your toe in the online advertising world for your business. You don’t have to have your own webpage to participate in this. We are providing you with a place to share your business and contact information with your customers. You can also have links to all your other webpages, and social media pages such as Facebook, Instagram, Etsy, Pinterest, TikTok and others.
Send an email to us to get started. Once your information is provided, we are usually able to update your profile right away and send you a link to proofread.
Poster design contest
Want to design our poster for this year’s Summer Show? How about for Christmas Show? Well, we’re having a contest again.
Once all design applicants are received, we will share the designs with all ACF Members for their vote.
Submissions for Summer Show Design can be brought to the January General Meeting or sent in by email. We can also arrange pick up if emailing your design is not feasible. Deadline for Summer Show Poster submissions will be February 10, 2022.
Deadline for Christmas Show Poster submissions will be April 20, 2022
- There should be enough “empty” space for text *see previous poster designs for ideas on what text gets added.
- Dimensions should be 11x17 or 8.5x11
- Take credit for your design—Include your business name or logo in a corner.
- Limit submissions to no more than 2 per member.
If your design is not picked by the Members to be our Poster, we may still have need of your artwork for other advertising such as website images, social media posts and covers and more.
Find a downloadable/printable version of this newsletter HERE - January 2022 Newsletter