February 2022 Newsletter
Join A Committee & help ACF Thrive
Looking for a way to help ACF a bit more? Consider joining a committee this year. Outreach Committee has already begun looking for some fun fundraising activities and ideas for our “Create it Forward” Scholarship fund. Any new ideas are welcome. Let’s keep that FVCC scholarship going .
Is party planning your thing? Our 2021 Members’ Picnic was so much fun and were looking to have an even better time this year. Consider helping Picnic Committee plan our Annual Picnic. This is a great way to get to know your fellow members better.
Participating in committee activities can also fulfill your attendance count for the full-discount booth rate for ACF 2022 Christmas Show.
If you’d like to join either of these committees, send an email to artistsoftheflathead@gmail.com to find out when the next meetings are.
Show Poster design contest
Want to design our poster for this year’s Summer Show? How about for Christmas Show? Well, we’re having a contest again. Members will vote on the design submissions. Winner will get an ACF logo tote bag and hat.
Deadline for submissions for Summer Show poster are due by February 10, 2022. Send designs to artistsoftheflathead@gmail.com or contact Lindsay Mena to coordinate alternate delivery 406-249-9181
Deadline for Christmas Show Poster submissions will be April 20, 2022.
- There should be enough “empty” space for text *see previous poster designs for ideas on what text gets added.
- Dimensions can be 11x17 or 8.5x11
- Take credit for your design—Include your business name or logo in a corner.
- Limit submissions to no more than 2 per member, per event.
If your design is not picked by the Members to be our Poster, we may still have need of your artwork for other advertising such as website images, social media posts and covers and more.
Summer Show Applications Available
Summer Show Vendor Application forms are now available. Deadline is April 20, 2022. But, please don’t delay in sending in your application. We are once again expecting a full event and a vendor waiting list.
2022 Summer Show event schedule:
- Thursday, June 23 - Set up day, exact times TBD
- Friday, June 24 - EVENT—10am-7pm
- Saturday, June 25 - EVENT 10am-7pm
- Sunday, June 26 - tear down day 8am-2pm
We’re looking forward to an awesome event alongside the FOOD TRUCK FESTIVAL!!
Find online forms here
It is not illegal to sign your ballot
During the January General Meeting, a member raised a question of the legality of asking members to (1) print their names on their submitted ballots; (2) sign their ballots; and (3) let our ballot teller check names off the list once ballots were submitted. We took this allegation very seriously and thoroughly researched the issue.
We have found that is it NOT illegal to ask members of our non-profit organization to affix their names or signatures onto any ballots. More specifically:
- There are no laws governing nonprofits in the State of Montana that prohibit the use of signatures or names on ballots during a vote.
- Montana laws that govern non-profit organizations can be found in the Montana Code Annotated 2021, Title 35, Chapter 2
- This organization has adopted Robert’s New Rules Of Order (RNOR) for its parliamentary Authority. See, ACF Bylaws, Article IX.
- RNOR allows and/or recommends signatures on ballots in many situations. See RNOR 45:24, 45:59 and 45:60.
If anyone is aware of any other rules, laws or statutes related to this issue, please bring it to our attention immediately.
The ACF Executive Board will continue to ask members to sign or write their names on ballots going forward. This is done to ensure all ballots received are from registered ACF members and that no member submits more than one vote on any issue.
All Jan. 2022 Motions Passed
As you will recall, the Board submitted several motions for review, discussion and vote by the General Membership in January 2022. They were included with the January Newsletter, printed and handed out at the January General Meeting and emailed to all members. All the motions that were up for vote passed. Please see the summary below.
However, we received a request from a member for a re-vote on Motion 2A—changes to Bylaws Article IV: Officers During the January General Meeting and motions discussion, an additional revision was proposed on Motion 2A. In order to ensure that all members are aware of and fully understand the additional revision, we will be re-submitting Motion 2A for your vote.
Motion Summary:
- Motion 1: re Summer Show & Food Truck Festival—passed. 81.39% in favor
- Motion 2-A changes to Bylaws—needs re-vote
- Motions 2-B and 2-C—changes to Bylaws Articles V and VI—passed, 93.35% in favor
- Motion 3-A, 3-D and 3-E changes to General Rules 1. Membership Fees, 2.4 Voting and 2.6 Annual Picnic—passed 95.35% in favor
- Motions 3-B and 3-C changes to General Rules 2. Meetings and 2.1 Meeting Attendance and —passed 97.6% in favor
- Motion 3-F changes to General Rules 3.3 Directory—passed 93.02% in favor
- Motion 4-A changes to Show Rules A. Application & Acceptance—passed 93.02% in favor
- Motion 4-B changes to Show Rules B. Application Deadlines— passed 95.35% in favor
- Motions 4-C and 4-D changes to Show Rules C. Current Booth Fees and D5. Jury Criteria —passed 93.02% in favor
- Motion 4-E changes to Show Rules 6. Booth & Design—passed 90.69% in favor
If you would like to see more details on the motions, the minutes from the discussion that took place at the General Meeting, or the ballot/vote counts, please email your request to artistsoftheflathead@gmail.com
Once the re-vote on Motion 2-A is complete, we will finalize and print the 2022 Handbook.
Find a downloadable/printable version of this newsletter HERE - February 2022 Newsletter