December 2022 Newsletter
Membership Applications & Renewals will be ready in January.
Many of you have been inquiring about membership renewal for 2023. We do apologize for the delay but we were waiting for the November Motions voting to close before we can finalize the Membership forms. So, we plan to send forms and link to online forms to you all in early January.
Summer Show Poster Design Contest
We are once again looking for some poster designs for our 2023 Summer Show. If you'd like to have your artwork used for the poster, please submit by January 18, 2023. You can send artwork by email to
artistsoftheflathead@gmail.com, upload through the website here: https://artistsandcraftsmen.org/pages/photo-drop, or you can bring designs to the January General Meeting on 1/18/23.
Do NOT include poster text on your submitted design. Text will be added later if your design is selected. Designs can be any medium - photography, paintings, drawings, graphic designs, etc.
Once all design submissions are received, members will vote on which design they like the best.
We can't wait to see what you all come up with!
Christmas Show Contest Winners
The shoppers voted and we've tallied them up. Here are the most voted-for vendors of our various vendor contests during Christmas Show:
Best Overall Booth Layout/Design:
Big Sky Laser Design, Montana Mountain Mama, Zayz Sweets, B&C Creations, Rogue Wax
Best Winter Wonderland or Holiday Decorations:
Big Sky Laser Designs, Red Poppy, Rogue Wax, Lillie Lane, Zayz Sweetz
Friendliest Vendor:
Beth Anderson, Gayle Emberstone, Pilar Ogier, Julie Frederick
Best Holiday Costume/Outfit:
Friday - Lynn Krutzler, Don Bissell
Saturday - Lisa White, Ashley Bishop, Lynn Krutzler
Sunday - Ashley Bishop, Pilar Ogier, Lynn Krutzler, Amanda Kubai, Lisa White
Motion Results:
Voting closed on December 16, 2022, on the motions that were presented by the Board in Nov. 2022. 89 ballots were received - therefore a quorum was reached (46 votes were needed for a quorum).
We also confirmed that no member voted more than once. Some ballots had questions that were skipped by the voter. These are indicated as "abstain" in the final count. Each motion needs 67% majority to pass (or 59 votes). The results are as follows:
Motion 1A: to revise Show Rules 4(5) and 10 to clarify expectations on documentation for food vendor applicants, including food trucks: 83 - Yes |
Motion 1B: To add language to Show Rule 4(5) that addresses SB199: 78 - Yes |
Motion 2: To revise Bylaw Article III, Section 3: Membership Fees to clarify the renewal deadline: 86 - Yes |
Motion 3: To revise Show Rule 8 to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act criteria: 85 - Yes |
Motion 4A: To remove Nominating Committee and assign those responsibilities to Vice President: 78 - Yes |
Motion 4B: to remove Bylaw Committee and assign those responsibilities to Vice President: 77 - Yes |
Motion 4C: To remove Committee Assistants and instead request assistance from members on an as-needed basis: 81 - Yes |
Motion 4D: Split the responsibilities of Outreach Committee into two separate committees - outreach and fundraising: 82 - Yes |
Motion 5: to create the Membership Tiers program: 62 - Yes |
Motion 6A: to join Summer Show with Food Truck Festival again - June 23-25, 2023 70 - Yes |
Motion 7: To permit the Board to research and propose a Junior Membership program: 72 - Yes |
Motion 6B: Should Summer Show be a 2-day or 3-day event: 47 - 2-day |
Motion 8: To add a rule to Show Rules regarding removal of rule violators at shows. 79 - Yes |
Board Nominees: Approval of 2023 Board Nominees: 87 - Yes |
2022 Christmas Show Shopper Count:
- Friday - 3748
- Saturday - 3320
- Sunday - 1589
- TOTAL = 8657
Next General Meeting
January 18, 2023 - 7:00 pm - County Kitchen Building at the Flathead County Fairgrounds.
1 comment
This was my first year and my first show at the Fairgrounds. I really enjoyed it. The organization was excellent, and the venue very nice. I appreciate your hard work, and for welcoming me into your group. I plan to see you in January.