April 2022 Newsletter
Show Poster design contest– Christmas Show
Want to design our poster for this year’s Christmas Show? Submit your design images and Members will vote on a winner.. Winner will get their name or business name displayed on the poster, and an ACF logo tote bag and hat….and maybe more.Deadline for design submissions are due by April 20, 2022. Send designs to artistsoftheflathead@gmail.com or contact Lindsay Mena to coordinate alternate delivery 406-249-9181. You can also bring them to the April General Meeting.
- There should be enough “empty” space for text - see previous poster designs for ideas on what text gets added.
- Don’t include text. We will add it in later if your design is picked as a winner.
- Limit submissions to no more than 2 per member.
Don’t forget to order your nametags
Erin Solin, one of your fellow members, has once again offered to make nametags for anyone who wants one. All ACF event vendors are required to wear a name tag for our Art/Craft Shows. You can make one yourself, buy one from elsewhere, or get one from Erin.
Please order by April 15 if you want to be able to pick it up by the April General Meeting. But, you can order anytime throughout the year. You can mail in order forms or submit them online through the ACF Website.
There are two options for you this year - (1) the standard one with the ACF logo, your name and business name and (2) a Custom option that can include your own business logo instead of the ACF one. Standard name tags are $8 each and custom name tags are $10 each. *please note there is a $1 card processing fee if you pay with a debit or credit card.
Find online forms here: https://artistsandcraftsmen.org/products/acf-members-name-tag
Wine Wednesday Wingo - April 27, 2022
6pm - 8pm at MontaVino Winery in Kalispell, MT
Play up to 10 rounds of Wingo for $1 each round/card. Prizes will include items donated by your fellow members plus a big basket of goodies from MontaVino Winery. Happy Hour drink pricing available through the event.
Follow the Facebook Event HERE
Seeking Prize Donations for WINGO
Hey Everyone, we need some items for our WINGO and Raffle basket prizes. All proceeds from our fundraising efforts go to our “Create It Forward” scholarship fund, and we’d love to keep it going and growing. Please consider donating a handmade item or two to our prize pool. Donating is also a great way to help advertise your business because you might get your product into the hands of a new future loyal customer and your donated item will be advertised on our event promos. Please bring donations to the April General Meeting or contact Denise at 406-270-9538, seedenisemt@gmail.com to coordinate deliver/drop off.
Pop Up Market - May 18, 2022
Contact Denise at 406-270-9538, seedenisemt@gmail.com to sign up to be a vendor at the Shop N Sip Market. Limited to 7-10 vendors. Booth fee will be $10 for a full 4foot table space or $5 for 1/2 table. This will also be a fundraiser for “Create It Forward” scholarship fund. More details will be provided as we get closer to the event date.
Fall Craft Supply Sale
A proposal has been submitted by a fellow member for ACF to host a craft supply community sale. You all could donate your used art/craft supplies and tools and ACF would host a one-day event to sell the supplies to the general community. All proceeds would go to the “Create it Forward” scholarship fund. This event would be scheduled for sometime in September. Unsold art/craft supplies would be donated to a local school art program. Please plan to discuss this idea at the April General Meeting so we can gauge the general interest in an event like this.
REMINDER - Attend General Meetings for full booth discount on 2022 Christmas Show
As a friendly reminder, after our Motion 3C vote in January 2022, we reinstated the rule making meeting attendance a requirement for full discount on 2022 Christmas Show, a rule that was in effect in one form or another from 1989-2019. Please see the 2022 Handbook, page 8, General Rule 2.2. Members who attend 1 or 0 meetings per year will pay a booth rate that is $50 higher than the standard members’ booth rate for 2022 Christmas Show.
For those of you who are unable to attend the April General Meeting, but are looking for other meetings where your attendance can be counted and you can be of assistance to ACF, here are a few meetings and committees you can help out with:
- April 12 - Outreach Committee Meeting
- April 20 - April General Meeting
- May 9 or 10 - Picnic Committee Meeting (exact date TBD)
If you’re interested in learning about these committees and getting on the committee contact list, please send us an email anytime.
You are responsible for ensuring that your attendance is counted at each meeting you attend by signing in on the attendance sheets by the door. You can check your attendance record by emailing us anytime.
Meeting attendance will be counted from August of the previous year through September of the current year. Attendance at the Annual Members Picnic will also be counted.
Next General Meeting
April 20, 2022
7:00 pm
Country Kitchen of Flathead County Fairgrounds
General Meeting Agenda:
- Recording Secretary Report
- Treasurer Report
- Announcements
- Welcome New Members
- Show Committee Report
- Discussion re. other events in the Valley this Summer
- Christmas Show poster design submissions - show & tell
- Outreach Committee Report & Fundraising Events Update
Reminder - Application Deadline for 2022 ACF Summer Show is April 20, 2022. Mail them in, submit the online form and payment, or hand deliver them at the April General Meeting.
Find online forms HERE
Find a downloadable/printable version of this newsletter HERE - April 2022 Newsletter