Teaching My 1st Wreath Making Class
Post by Sheya Edson

The holidays tend to be about what we get for other people and not so much what we get for ourselves. Artists are the first to be giving to others of their time and work and seldom do they actually get to participate in the actual end results. I had the honor of teaching a wreath making workshop recently and to get the opportunity to work with people interested in what I am doing is truly a gift that I get to give myself.
Teaching my first class was daunting in the beginning, but was so worth the time and energy that went into it. The class was held on December 6, 2023, at Sacred Waters and attended by a variety of artistic levels and while a few were already artist many were novices and that is where the real fun comes in. It is easy to teach those that already have artistic ability but it is a treat to teach those that second guess everything that they do. The goal was to create an elegant Christmas/winter wreath and while I provided all the tools and supplies it was up to each individual to create what inspired them.

It was amazing to watch as each participant when in their own direction after the basic instructions and ideas were given. Bottom line is that if you have the opportunity to teach a class, I would highly recommend you do as we, as artists and creators, have a lot to offer. Teaching this class showed me that I have more to offer than I ever thought and the ability to watch people create something that fit their ideal theme or vison was well worth the stress and jitters that I felt as I prepped for this new adventure.