Doing Business as a Solopreneur (Part 1)
Post by Carol Buchanan
Part 1: Introduction
Maybe it seems like an odd fit to you, having a writer join Artists and Craftsmen of the Flathead. Especially when I freely admit that I can’t draw a decent stick figure.
But writers like me – Independent authors or “indies” – have a lot in common with artists, craftsmen, and photographers. Here’s what I mean:
My first three books were traditionally published, but since 2008 I’ve published all my Montana historical fiction. As both a “trad” author and an indie, I’ve won significant awards. In 2009 God’s Thunderbolt: The Vigilantes of Montana won a Spur from Western Writers of America. In 2011 WWA awarded a Spur Finalist to Gold Under Ice and The Gold Room (Two Short Novels). In 2016 the Whitefish Community Library Association honored all four novels with the “Spirit of Dorothy Johnson” award.
I make the books – long or short. I write the stories and edit them using Microsoft Word. For the interior formatting – the printed pages – I use a template designed by a book designer. For the rest I use Amazon: putting the covers together, inserting the text blocks (the printed interiors) between the covers, printing, and final proofing.
I am my own publisher. Amazon functions as my printer and distributor. For me and thousands of other indies, it’s a partnership that works well, although other companies do similar services for authors.
I stay with Amazon, because “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
Being an indie author, I make my products, market them, sell them, and get them into the hands of consumers, direct or via Amazon. I don’t employ anyone.
I’m a solopreneur. In this series of articles, I’ll explain what that means. Because many of you are, too.